Security audits for third-party providers

When firms sign up to a cloud service provider, the decision is usually in terms of utility versus cost – as external providers can usually supply better software and applications than are available to a firm using their own in-house assets, but without the initial purchase cost. Of course, these transactions are only entered into with the understanding that the external partner will do their best to ensure the safety and security of their client’s data.

However, the concentrated nature of the details stored by specialist service providers often make them a prime target for malicious parties, with the proprietary nature of the data making it highly valuable.

While the provider may assert that they are on top of their game in terms of online protection, due diligence demands that responsible firms have a clear picture of the measures currently in place. A professional security audit from an external provider can deliver a clear report into the depth and breadth of a firm’s digital capacities – providing an unbiased review of the promises made during the primary sales contact. Everything from encryption standards, storage methods and transmission protocols can be covered – providing managers with peace of mind that their partnership is secure before they sign on the dotted line